
224 电子和电气工程技术职业 Technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering - 飞出国

  • 2 自然科学和应用科学及相关职业 / Natural and applied sciences and related occupations
    • 22 自然科学和应用科学相关的技术职业 / Technical occupations related to natural and applied sciences
      • 224 电子和电气工程技术职业 / Technical occupations in electronics and electrical engineering
        • 2241* 电气和电子工程技术人员和技术人员 / Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians(B)
        • 2242 电子维修技师(家用和商用设备等) / Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)(B)
        • 2243 工业仪器仪表的技术人员和机械师 / Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics(B)
        • 2244 飞机仪表,电气和航空电子设备技工,技师和检查员 / Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors(B)